
10 December, 2012

Epic Weekend

Ho. Ly. Crap! What a MASSIVE weekend. Huge. I considered taking the day off work today just to recover and unpack a little but decided against it. Still, I'm feeling completely exhausted from the last 3 days.
It began on Friday which was mostly an emotionally exhausting day but also started a bit early. Friday was the day we farewelled our beautiful Vanessa. It was a bittersweet day as we tried to balance our tears and grief with the good humour and vibrant spirit which Ness always had, and would have wanted us to have. It is the best dressed funeral I have ever been to and the wake was nothing short of perfect for our girl. The band played, we drank and sang and danced and cried a little more as we honoured our vivacious V and gave J and Kath all our love and support.
Saturday was moving day and that was an epic in itself! You forget how much stuff you have until you have to move it and what I thought would only take a few hours turned into 2 days worth of tooing and froing. Don't even talk about moving the fridge! I thought we were all going to die! It also happened to be 35 degrees. Ugh! Although a BIG thank you must go to The Man, Turtle and Paulie for all their help and heavy lifting!! We moved all day until about 3pm when we had to stop and rush to get ready for Bernie & Kerryn's Luau Tiki Party. Great fun, lots of awesome outfits and we scrubbed up ok considering if I do say so myself. However I wasn't drinking and was pretty beat from the move so it wasn't a particularly late one. Besides, I had a lot going on for Sunday as well!
Sunday I got up early and did another load from the old place to the new place before heading to Your One Stop PinUp Shop where I've picked up some shifts to help Bek out during the Christmas rush. I did 4 hours there on Sunday and although my legs and feet were already killing me (did I mention my room at both the old and new places is upstairs??) it was nice to get dressed up, hang out and be surrounded by pretty dresses while helping people. After my shift I headed to Sacred Skin to see my mate Dave (more on that tomorrow, ayyy...ayyy) for a few hours of pain and then did another load/huge clean up at the old place before heading home to the new place and falling into bed.


I have to go back to the old place tonight and do one last check/rubbish dump/lock up for handover tomorrow. Sigh.

Now do you see why I'm so beat?? How was your weekend?

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