
15 November, 2012

On Plastic Surgery: A Controversy

An article in the UK's Daily Mail has been doing the rounds on the internet this morning. About 21 year old Ukranian model Valeria Lukyonova and her quest for Mattel-like perfection. This living doll has undergone extensive plastic surgery to turn herself into a 'human barbie'. Unfortunately the article didn't give too much detail on the young woman, her career or the procedures she has undergone to create her look, rather reserving the mere 350 words to make a mockery out of her lifestyle and her beliefs. As has much of the vitriol that accompanied the article as is circulated the internet.

This is Valeria.

When you look at her, what do you see? A beauty? A freak? A person?

Now her look is not for me. Aside from the fact that I'm not really keen on the idea of plastic surgery in general, the unnaturalness of her look does not appeal to my own personal asthetics.
I don't feel like I can sit here and criticise or ridicule her. I have seen so many nasty comments in regards to her looks. But where do we draw the line on 'body modification' and who gets to decide? More to the point, who has the right to pass cruel judgements on someone because of the way they choose to look? I thought, as a diverse society, we had come further than that.
Some people suggest that she has ruined her body. I have tattoos and I'm sure some people think the same about me. Do you dye your hair? That causes damage to your natural hair yet you are not judged for doing so. Have holes in your ears that were painfully put there by a needle piercing through your skin in one quick, forceful motion? Wear make up? See where I'm going with this?

So you don't like the way she looks? Guess what, she didn't do it for you! Think of all the pain she has gone through after countless operations and recovery periods to modify her body. It obviously means a great deal to her to put herself through all of that. I know at times some of my tattoos have been quite painful and the only thing that stopped me from yelling 'STOOOOP!' at my tattoo artist was knowing the beautiful piece of art that would permanently adorn my skin was the end result.
People pass judgement far too quickly these days. You're too fat. You must be anorexic. She's unhealthy. Too much make up. Geez girl make an effort. I heard she sleeps around. She can't get a man. WTF is she wearing? Seriously, what's with that hair?
It has to stop. Take a long hard look at yourself. I guarantee you you're not everyone's cup of tea. But I'm sure you don't expect to be berrated about your appearance. Generally, you are comfortable with you. Happy with your appearance. Adhere to a semi-defined personal sense of style.

You have your own look. She has hers. It is what it is. Let it be. Why do you even care?

1 comments (+add yours?)

Anonymous said...

good for her
as long as shes happy
thats all that matters

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